Our brand promise at Deux Mains comprises three distinct qualities that work together tomake our brand as unique as the products we craft.
It's in the innovative way we design, make, craft and manufacture. It's in the materials (found, recycled or upcycled) that we use. It's in our choice of collaborator, and our approach to learning and training out people. Everything we do is touched by Haitian ingenuity, originality and flair.

If we had a middle name, Bravery would be it. Gutsy and ambitious, we are determined to unite and inspire Haitian artisans and communities through the channel of fashion that's designed to do good.
Haiti is our muse, and from Haiti's land and people, we take our inspiration for transforming poverty into progress. We have today and tomorrow, and we have the collective wisdom and strength to craft a fairer fashion industry together.